893.6359 Wolfram Ore/38

The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

No. 3626

Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Hankow Consulate-General’s confidential report of August 24, 1934,81 on “Important Developments in the Chinese Tungsten Trade”, and the Legation’s despatch No. 3619 of today’s date regarding the Hunan Antimony Syndicate, and to enclose for the information of the Department a copy of a news item, in English translation,81 appearing in the Ta Kung Pao (L’Impartial, Tientsin) of May 22, 1935, reporting a proposed reorganization of the production and sale of tungsten in Kiangsi.

It will be noted that, according to that report, the Kiangsi Provincial Government purposes to take over control of the mining, transportation and sale of tungsten in the province. The observations made in the Legation’s above-mentioned despatch concerning the Hunan Antimony Syndicate apply equally as regards these new developments in the tungsten trade. The Legation has requested the Nanking Office and the Hankow Consulate General to investigate and report on this matter, and contemplates taking action along the same lines as those followed in the case of the Hunan Antimony Syndicate.

Respectfully yours,

Nelson Trusler Johnson
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.