Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1935, The Far East, Volume III

Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1935, The Far East, Volume III
- John G. Reid
- Louis E. Gates
- Ralph R. Goodwin
General Editor:
- E. R. Perkins
- Gustave A. Nuermberger
United States Government Printing Office
- List of Papers
- The Far Eastern Crisis: (Documents 1–474)
- Chapter I: January 1–April 5, 1935 (Documents 1–92)
- Chapter II: April 5–May 31, 1935 (Documents 93–150)
- Chapter III: June 1–July 31, 1935 (Documents 151–278)
- Chapter IV: August 1–October 31, 1935 (Documents 279–340)
- Chapter V: November 1–December 31, 1935 (Documents 341–474)
- Chapter I: January 1–April 5, 1935 (Documents 1–92)
- China: (Documents 475–824)
- Raising of the American Legation in China to the status of Embassy and
abolition of the Consulate General at Nanking (Documents 475–496)
- Problem of China’s economic reconstruction and the attitude of the United
States and other governments respecting financial assistance to China (Documents 497–644)
- Measures taken by the United States for the protection of American lives
and property in China (Documents 645–710)
- Retention of United States Army Forces in China (Documents 711–714)
- Denial by the United States of responsibility for alleged killing of a
Chinese by American Naval enlisted men in China (Documents 715–718)
- Attitude of the Department of State on the export to China of arms or
munitions, including military aircraft (Documents 719–749)
- Problem of controlling the traffic in opium and narcotic drugs in China,
including Manchuria and Jehol (Documents 750–758)
- Efforts for the consideration of American claims outstanding against
China (Documents 759–773)
- Representations by the United States against the establishment of
monopolies in China (Documents 774–797)
- Reservation of American rights under the treaties and the Customs Rules of
1868 with respect to enforcement by China of Customs Preventive
Regulations (Documents 798–800)
- Attitude of the American Legation with respect to the position of
Americans in the Chinese Maritime Customs Service (Documents 801–802)
- Reservation of American rights in proposed changes for control of pilotage
at Shanghai (Documents 803–804)
- Interest of the United States in the question of Chinese disinclination to
grant foreign requests to establish civil aviation or to attain landing
rights in China (Documents 805–807)
- Re-registration of title deeds to real property of Americans in China (Documents 808–820)
- Attitude of the United States with regard to expropriation of land and
registration of American educational institutions with the Chinese
authorities (Documents 821–822)
- Objection by China to editorial comments on Chinese leaders by Time magazine (Documents 823–824)
- Raising of the American Legation in China to the status of Embassy and
abolition of the Consulate General at Nanking (Documents 475–496)
- Japan: (Documents 825–1065)
- Political developments in Japan and efforts to improve relations with the
United States (Documents 825–850)
- Representations on establishment of oil monopolies in Japan and
Manchuria (Documents 851–929)
- Trade relations between the United States and Japan; voluntary restriction
of exports to the United States and the Philippine Islands by the
Japanese (Documents 930–1001)
- Proposed Japanese automobile legislation violative of the 1911 treaty of
commerce and navigation between the United States and Japan (Documents 1002–1005)
- Proposal of a consular convention between the United States and Japan (Documents 1006–1017)
- Proposed legislation in the State of Arizona affecting right of Japanese
nationals to cultivate agricultural land (Documents 1018–1024)
- Disinclination of Japan to negotiate a convention with the United States
regulating fisheries off the coast of Alaska (Documents 1025–1036)
- Observations by the Japanese Government regarding restrictions upon the
development and exploitation of natural resources by aliens in the
Philippine Islands (Documents 1037–1043)
- Refusal of the United States to accede to demand of Japanese Consul at
Chefoo for an official apology following conflict between American and
Japanese nationals (Documents 1044–1056)
- Protection of contract rights of the Oriental Consolidated Mining Company,
an American firm operating in Korea (Documents 1057–1058)
- Attitude of the United States regarding corporation in “Manchoukuo”
organized under American law but without American financial interest (Documents 1059–1065)
- Political developments in Japan and efforts to improve relations with the
United States (Documents 825–850)
- Siam: (Documents 1066–1073)
- Index