893.00/13076: Telegram

The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

188. Legation’s 187, May 8, noon.97 Following telegram has been received from the Consul General at Hankow: [Page 684]

“May 8, 3 p.m. My May 7, 3 p.m. A band of Reds numbering 3,000 reported operating southeast of Yochow, Hunan, near Pingkiang. Official at Yochow has advised American residents that town is lightly defended and he cannot guarantee their safety. Three American ladies and children reached Hankow last night. Other Americans remaining but prepared to evacuate.”

Josselyn later reported, May 8, 5 p.m., that “remaining Americans left Yochow by train 2 p.m. today for Hankow.”

For the Minister:
  1. Not printed.