793.94/7506: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

213. Hu Shih who has had conversations with Nanking leaders and with Sung Cheh-yuan on the subject gave me last evening the following information. The plan for the proposed Council was drawn up by Ho Ying-chin, Sung Che-yuan, Chin Teh-chun, Chen Yi, Hsiung Shih-hui and Hsiao Chen-ying with Hsiao probably in frequent communication with the Japanese. The National Government participated in order to dissuade Sung from declaring independence which he has contemplated as a result of Nanking’s treatment of him since last June and in the hope of keeping Sung’s army loyal to Nanking as it is the only force in this immediate area which can fight for China. Nanking is not ready to fight but expects to fight eventually as there is no end to Japanese ambition. The world situation is not propitious for such a dispute. Japanese intrigue for autonomy has not worked out as the Japanese intended. The informant hopes that the Council may last for 3 or perhaps 4 months. The Council will have autonomous control of the two provinces with Nanking retaining Judiciary, Finance and Foreign Affairs. The Council will number 15. The Anfu clique will be represented only by Wang Yi-tang. Several educators have been asked to serve but have refused.

A reliable Japanese source states that in his opinion the Council will be established before its powers are defined and that in the subsequent definition of those powers discord between the Kwantung Army and the Chinese may be expected to arise.
According to the first informant, about 1,000 students participated yesterday in the demonstrations inside and outside the city. A few radicals took advantage of the opportunity to distribute radical propaganda. The demonstration was spontaneous. Takahashi protested to the municipality against its inadequate handling of the [Page 483] demonstration and claimed that it was communist, an indication that it may be expected that anti-Japanese activities in China proper will hereafter be termed by the Japanese as communist. Takahashi charged Hu Shih and Chiang Mon-lin with having instigated the demonstration.
Fighting has occurred at Kuyuan in Eastern Chahar between “Manchukuo” forces and Chinese Peace Preservation Corps. The reasons are unknown.

Repeated to Nanking, by mail to Tokyo.

  1. Telegram in two sections.