Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Phillips)
The Japanese Ambassador translated for me the text of a message which he had just received from Foreign Minister Hirota instructing him to express the thanks and appreciation of the Japanese Government to the Department for the efforts which were made with respect to the anti-Japanese legislation in Arizona. Mr. Hirota had noticed that the two anti-Japanese measures, which had been causing him much concern, had failed to pass and, therefore, there would be no further measures contemplated until, at least, the next meeting of the Legislature. Mr. Hirota had appreciated the attitude of the Department; he, on his part, had been careful to avoid any reference in the [Page 1072] Diet to the Arizona situation. Mr. Hirota was, however, somewhat fearful that trouble might break out in Arizona and hoped that the United States Government would do everything possible to prevent any such occurrences. I thanked the Ambassador for the message, which I said was appreciated; that he realized, of course, the delicacy of the relationship of the Federal Government with the State of Arizona, and that I felt sure that the Governor of that State would do everything in his power to prevent difficulties from arising between the foreign and local communities.