Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs (Hornbeck) of a Conversation With the Counselor of the Japanese Embassy (Fujii)
Mr. Fujii called and said that the Japanese Embassy had received a telegram stating that the land law which has been under consideration in the Arizona Senate has been passed by the Senate and was to be considered in the House of Representatives this morning, and that there was a strong sentiment in the House in its favor.
Mr. Fujii suggested that the Department make some move in the matter.
I remarked that this bill is apparently the less objectionable of the two bills that have been under discussion. Mr. Fujii said that such was the case. I said that it is a delicate matter for the Federal Government to intrude into the affairs of a state, especially those of a state legislative body. Mr. Fujii said that he realized this. I said that I would report the matter and that the Department would of course do whatever it conceived to be appropriately possible.