500.A15A4 General Committee/934: Telegram
The Chairman of the American Delegation (Davis) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 31—6:34 a.m.]
856. Henderson who asked me to see him last night at 10 o’clock told me that in view of the embarrassing situation created by Barthou’s speech, Beck and Hymans and others who were to speak today have informed him that they would not care to speak. He had accordingly decided to call off the meeting for today which would be dangerous to hold without an agenda.
Under the circumstances Henderson thinks it a mistake to have any more speeches. He will accordingly devote today to talking with the French, British and perhaps others to determine upon a future course. He said that the French had now made it impossible to continue usefully until something can be done to remove the impasse and therefore he is inclined to think that the best thing would be to have a meeting tomorrow propose an adjournment with the understanding that he as President of the Conference would work most actively visiting Berlin and other capitals if necessary to try to get an agreed basis upon which the Conference can convene and proceed expeditiously with its work. If he is unable to do that within a very reasonable time, say 1 or 2 weeks, he will call the Conference together to determine what to do.