693.113 (Manchuria) Petroleum/28: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in China (Johnson)
400. Referring to Mukden’s despatch to Legation No. 861 of November 21, 1933,59 Department authorizes you, unless you perceive objection, to instruct Myers in his discretion either to proceed or to [Page 745] direct Chase to proceed to Changchun for purpose indicated in that despatch. Inform Tokyo of the above and of decision made. Expenses in accordance Travel Regulations authorized from Consulate General’s allotment.
Also, repeat to Tokyo as Department’s telegram No. 120, December 22, noon:
“Your telegram No. 189, December 20, 10 a.m. and previous.
- 1.
- Vincent’s report referred to in your telegram would appear to indicate that while Manchukuo customs commissioner did not hold out promise of redress his attitude was conciliatory.
- 2.
- In view of above-mentioned report and Myers’ report of November 21, it is believed that conversations at the present time with the British at Washington and/or London would be premature. The Department would favor your continuing conversations with your British colleague and exchange of views and information on this matter of common concern, but it does not believe that conversations looking toward joint representations to the Japanese Government or the taking of joint ‘action’ in any other form vis-à-vis that Government should be held until local recourse for remedy has been exhausted.
- 3.
- The foregoing does not modify paragraph number 2 of Department’s telegram No. 89, October 6, 5 p.m.”60