- Political developments in Japan (Documents 765–772)
- Representations regarding inadequate police protection for property of
Singer Sewing Machine Company during strike (Documents 773–775)
- Assistance by the Japanese authorities in securing release of Dr. Niels
Nielsen, kidnapped in Manchuria (Documents 776–803)
- Plans for the establishment of oil monopolies in Japan and
Manchuria (Documents 804–813)
- Suggestions for treaty of arbitration and reciprocal commercial treaty
between the United States and Japan (Documents 814–818)
- Retention and fortification by Japan of mandated Pacific islands (Documents 819–824)
- Visits of Japanese ship to ports in the Aleutian Islands (Documents 825–826)
- Exchange of naval visits between the United States and Japan (Documents 827–831)
- Consideration of possibility of revising restrictions on Japanese
immigration (Documents 832–833)