
The Consul at Geneva (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State

No. 682 Political

Sir: With reference to despatch No. 121 of July 20, 1933 from the American Embassy at Paris33 reporting on the proceedings of the meeting on July 18, 1933 of the Special Committee on Technical Cooperation with China of the Council of the League, I have the honor to transmit herewith two reports33 on the subject: (1) a report to the Council from the Secretary-General (document C.474.M.241.1933.VII) reviewing the action taken in pursuance of the Council’s decision on July 3, 1933 to set up a Special China Committee, reproducing the text of the decisions reached by the Committee on July 18, and referring to the invitation to the United States Government to appoint a representative to participate in the work of the Committee; (2) a copy of a report by the representative of Mexico (document C.527.1933.VIII) stating that the Committee would remain at the Council’s disposal for the purpose of further consideration of any questions relating to the League’s technical cooperation in the reconstruction of China, laid before the Council by the Chinese Government, and to examine statements and reports received from, the technical agent (Dr. Rajchman) and discuss questions relating to his duties.

Both of these reports were adopted by the Council on September 23. In connection with the adoption of the latter report, the Council requested the Special Committee to carry out in the future the above-mentioned duties and took “note that the Government of the United States of America, having accepted the Committee’s invitation to take part in its work, has nominated a non-official observer to be present at the Committee’s proceedings.”

Respectfully yours,

Prentiss B. Gilbert
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.