893.50A/37: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received July 15—6:06 p.m.]
138. For Phillips and Hornbeck. Through Sweetser, Avenol has today sent me an aide-mémoire which states that the first meeting of [Page 499] the Special Committee on Technical Collaboration with China, recently created by the League Council, will take place Tuesday next in Paris “for the purpose of formalizing and coordinating the several types of international assistance to China which have developed during the past years as a result of the original request for such assistance” forwarded to the Council in May 1931 by Soong and Chiang Kai Shek. After outlining the form which this cooperation has taken in the past 2 years the aide-mémoire goes on to say that the Tuesday meeting is for the double purpose of naming a technical liaison officer to be stationed in Nanking and of outlining the general lines on which future work is to be organized “on an entirely international and non-political basis”. The Secretary-General then states that the committee would be glad to have an American representative present on Tuesday and will issue whatever form of invitation is considered to be desirable by the American Government to that effect provided of course the principle of representation is acceptable to the American Government.
Please telegraph urgently any suggestions which you may have as to action which I should take, if any. I have radioed Fuller15 who has been in touch with Sweetser on this subject to radio you his views.
- Stuart J. Fuller, American representative in expert and advisory capacity, League of Nations Advisory Committee on Traffic in Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs, Geneva.↩