793.94/6301: Telegram

The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

470. Reuter from Changchun, 21st:

“Interviewed today General Koiso, Chief of Staff to Marshal Muto, [who?] indicated that halt in Japanese advance line at Miyun and Tangshan marked completion of campaign to eliminate Chinese bases of attack on Great Wall. He continues:

‘Future peace now depends entirely on the Chinese attitude. If we are convinced that the Chinese will not advance beyond their present positions we are prepared to withdraw our main strength leaving only observation outposts.’

Questioned concerning activities on western frontier General Koiso stated control of Kalgan was essential to security of Manchukuo west boundary but asserted that as population north of the Dolonor-Kal-gan line was friendly to Manchukuo’s [sic] operations in that area were not required.

He expresses optimism concerning early peace explaining that formal delimitation of neutral zone might be left to diplomatic conversations in Nanking, Peiping or Tokyo or conclusion of an armistice between the commanders in the field.

[Page 340]

Koiso emphasized that fears of foreigners that Peiping and Tientsin might become a battleground could be removed by Chinese forces abandoning an aggressive attitude.”
