Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs (Hornbeck)
The Chinese Minister has just shown me a cable from W. W. Yen at Geneva, under date January 8, which reads, in paraphrase, as follows:
On account of the failure to agree on conciliation, the Manchuria question is approaching a final stage; it is highly important that the final report by the Assembly be strongly in favor of China, but to attain this it is necessary that there be a gesture by the United States. Members of the League, particularly the small powers, are discouraged by the fact that the United States has been silent since August, notwithstanding the increase in the meantime of Japanese aggression, and the denial made recently of the news report that the American Government had sent a note to Japan after the occupation of Shanhaikwan was surprising, whether or not true. Unless the United States, in view of her important interests in China, has a superior plan of her own for solving the problem, American Government would be wise to support openly the idea that the League render a strong juridical judgment, as helpful to the American position. Although it is true that the dispute is before the League, of which the United States is not a member, the United States is unquestionably vitally interested and therefore should encourage the League by an open declaration instead of remaining: under cover and carrying on merely by private conversations unofficial statements, etc. At present France is highly sympathetic; Great Britain alone is troublesome. Thus it is highly important that the United States manifest a more decisive attitude. Yet, recent press reports, while stating that conferences [Page 29] among American officials are discussing many subjects, omit Manchuria. This creates an unfortunate impression here. Briefly, I urge that the American Government make another gesture regarding Japanese activities, for effect upon the League and upon China and in the United States; and it would be very helpful if the President-elect would participate in so doing. This should be done before January 20. (Signed) Yen.