The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Chinese Legation40
A telegram from Peiping reported that the situation at Shanhaikwan remains unchanged after the Japanese occupation. It was also reported that the Chinese mobilization against the Japanese in the battle of Shanhaikwan was unprecedentedly efficient, a fact which bears testimony to the great enthusiasm with which the Chinese forces met their foe. After they entered the city of Shanhaikwan, the Japanese soldiers proceeded to commit every outrage that is conceivable, which includes, among others, the robbing of the city, the violation of women, and the killing of more than twenty Chinese policemen by machine gun in a most horrible manner.
A telegram from Shanghai reported that, according to reliable information, the Japanese are now actively preparing for their invasion of Jehol and that the time chosen for that invasion seems to be in the early part of March. Their plan of invasion has already been [Page 115] decided upon, with the troops of the puppet government as advanced guards and with Japanese soldiers reinforcing them. The Japanese, moreover, are still engaged in their secret design upon Peiping and Tientsin, hoping to stir up disturbances there to facilitate their invasion of Jehol.
A telegram from Chengteh (Jehol City) reported that the situation there has been very tense after the Japanese aerial attack upon Kailu. Three Japanese aeroplanes were seen reconnoitering over Kailu at 11:00 a.m., January 16, investigating the Chinese lines of defense. This was followed by another aeroplane which dropped several bombs into the eastern section of the city, killing some five or six civilians and some ten beasts of burden. Later on, another Japanese aeroplane was seen circling over Ching-Chia-Dien, a town to the east of Kailu, investigating Chinese defensive works. It was also learned that Japanese aeroplanes had been reconnoitering over the city of Peipiao and its vicinity, occasionally dropping bombs into the city. Large units of Japanese soldiers have been massed at Tungliao in preparation for an assault upon Kailu.
- Translation of telegram transmitted to the Department by the Chinese Legation on January 20.↩