882.01 Foreign Control/625a: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Liberia (Werlich)
42. For General Winship. Our Liberian policy has been subject to severe criticism in certain sections of the press on the ground that we have been losing sight of the welfare of Liberia in an endeavor to protect the interests of the Firestones. At the instance of the Secretary our whole policy has been laid before the President to ascertain whether it met with his renewed approval.56 In particular we asked him to indicate whether he desired you to continue to urge that Liberia accept the League Plan (in return for which we are prepared jointly with the British to recognize the Barclay regime) and to continue our cooperation with the League in order that there might be joint responsibility for Liberia rather than that the United States should assume exclusive responsibility. The President has now replied as follows:
“I think we should continue the present policy with, however, the clear understanding that we are not guaranteeing moneys due the Firestones or making our continued interest depend on Firestone’s financial interest.
“At all times we should remember that Firestone went into Liberia at his own financial risk and it is not the business of the State Department to pull his financial chestnuts out of the fire except as a friend of the Liberian people.”57