882.01 Foreign Control/627

The Department of State to the British Embassy


The United States Government is in entire accord with the views set forth in the aide-mémoire left at the Department of State by His Excellency the British Ambassador on July 27 concerning the acceptance by the Liberian Government of the Plan of Assistance prepared by the Committee of the League of Nations. Major General Winship has been instructed to consult the British Chargé d’Affaires in Monrovia and at such time as they may deem appropriate to inform President Barclay that in the opinion of this Government it is desirable that an agreement be reached on this Plan and that provided it is accepted the present Liberian administration will be recognized by the Government of the United States. Recognition, however, would also be subject to the grant of political amnesty by the Liberian Government to all political prisoners who have recently been arrested or maltreated on the ground that they have preached sedition. It is suggested that similar instructions be sent as soon as possible by the British Government to its representative in Monrovia in order that this announcement may be made to President Barclay either jointly or simultaneously.