823.00 Revolutions/324: Telegram
The Chargé in Peru (Burdett) to the Secretary of State
[Received 12:40 p.m.]
97. Trujillo uprising is aprista and is most serious one since March 1931.1 Rebels control city and Chicama Valley after street fighting with 30 casualties reported. Rebels reported to be under command of Colonel Ruben del Castillo and Augustin Haya de la Torre brother of Victor.
Six bombing planes from Lima are today based at Chimbote. Panagra plane requisitioned to carry gasoline to Chimbote for them.
Seventh infantry left on cruiser Grau last night for Trujillo and Guardia Republicana detachment leaving today.
American interests in Trujillo region are Grace and Northern Peru Mining and Smelting Company.
Martial law since noon yesterday. Lima quiet and south reported quiet.