
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Haiti (Munro)

No. 175

Sir: The Department has received your despatch No. 356 of March 18, 1932, enclosing a note from the Haitian Government dated March 15, 1932,9 dealing further with questions affecting the financial relationship between this Government and Haiti. It is observed that this note, when stripped of a certain amount of discursive references of a general nature, raises three questions, namely, (1), the validity of the Additional Act of 1917, (2), whether the Government of the United States will lend its good offices in any efforts which may be made to retire by anticipation the outstanding loan, and (3), in the event that the loan is so retired whether the Government of the United States will consent to the abolition of the office of the Financial Adviser.

The Department feels that the reply which it has made to the Haitian Government’s note of December 22, 1931, (enclosed with your despatch No. 293 of January 6, 1932)10 fully covers the points which are now being raised by that Government.

On the assumption that you have submitted the reply referred to above to the Haitian Government11 you are instructed to transmit the enclosed answer to the Haitian Government’s note of March 15 under reference. In the event that for any reason you have not deemed it desirable to present the Department’s note enclosed with its instruction of March 22, 1932, you will, of course, refrain from transmitting the reply which is enclosed herewith until the Department has had an opportunity to consider your views.

Very truly yours,

For the Secretary of State:
Francis White

Draft of Proposed Note to the Haitian Government

Excellency: I have the honor to refer to Your Excellency’s note dated March 15, 1932, entering into further discussion concerning the questions raised in your note of December 22, 1931, relating to Haitian finances. A copy of your note was duly transmitted to my Government which has now instructed me to make the following reply.

My Government feels that the questions now being raised by the [Page 626] Haitian Government have been fully answered in my note addressed to you on . . . . ., in which the validity of the Additional Act, and the position of the Government of the United States concerning the loan and the office of the Financial Adviser were fully set forth.

The final paragraph of my note stated:

“In presenting these views my Government wishes me to add that it does not desire to continue the existing regime longer than may be found necessary to fulfill adequately the obligations assumed by both Governments toward third parties and that it is prepared to examine in a friendly spirit any proposals for an equitable refunding operation which the Haitian Government may be in a position to submit to it, although it appears that present market conditions and the provisions of the loan contracts would make such an operation difficult at the present time.”

At the time your note was written you had not, of course, received the reply to which I refer.

  1. Neither printed.
  2. Not printed.
  3. See footnote 6, p. 624.