721.23/614: Telegram
The Minister in Colombia (Caffery) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10:45 a.m.]
88. Department’s telegram No. 54, December 20, 6 p.m. Olaya accepts proposal in principle but because of lack of confidence in Peru’s good faith desires a procès-verbal similar to that of March 4, 1925, instead of a bilateral protocol (Olaya says procès-verbal would not have to be submitted to Congress; other agreement might).
He desires following modifications:
- Third paragraph of the Department’s telegram. Commission to include representative of Government of the United States and to be at Leticia by January 10th; delay mentioned in second sentence to be radically shortened (because of public pressure here calling for immediate departure of Vasquez Cobo’s expedition for Leticia and possible usage by Peruvian Army of delay to strengthen forces).
- Fourth paragraph of Department’s telegram. After reestablishment of Colombian authority at Leticia, Peru to send special mission to Bogotá to discuss interpretation of first paragraph of article No. 1 of Salomón-Lozano treaty in so far as it refers to sector between Sucumbios and Putumayo Rivers (or if preferred by regular diplomatic channels). Colombia and Peru to agree to resort to good offices of the United States, conciliation or arbitration if direct negotiations are not successful within about a year.
Full text of Olaya’s memorandum forwarded by air mail today.
Olaya has just telephoned me he hears Lopez has had conversation with White in which Lopez expressed opinions with which he is not in accord; he stands by this telegram and the memorandum being forwarded.