724.3415/2378: Telegram
The Chairman of the Commission of Neutrals (White) to the President of the Council of the League of Nations (De Valera)
Commission of Neutrals received your telegram of October 1st suggesting Bolivia and Paraguay should withdraw forces such distance from one another as would eliminate existing risk and the sending of a commission of military officers to the spot to act in harmony with military commanders both sides and report on measures taken to reduce danger of local fighting. Such a proposal had already been made by the Neutral Commission to both contending parties on September 14th.21 Both sides accepted the sending of a commission by the Neutrals22 and this commission will proceed as soon as the situation seems appropriate therefor. Neutrals still feel this question must be handled as it has been in the past with much patience in order to avoid greater complications. Negotiations for termination of hostilities on satisfactory conditions of security to both are now proceeding satisfactorily as are negotiations for securing acceptance of bases for final arbitration of conflict.