The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Nanking to the Chinese Legation82
After reviewing before the Third Plenary Session of the Central Executive Committee the events following the premeditated Japanese invasion of the Three Eastern Provinces and the cruel and murderous oppressive measures inflicted upon the people there by the Japanese military, Minister Lo Wen-Kan emphatically reiterated the importance for the Chinese Government of resolutely adhering to the following fundamental principles:
First, China will never agree to any solution of the present situation which takes into account the puppet organization in the Three Eastern Provinces established, maintained and controlled by Japanese military forces;
Second, China is confident that any reasonable proposal for the settlement of the present situation will be necessarily compatible with the letter and the spirit of the Covenant of the League of Nations, the Anti-War Pact and the Nine Power Treaty as well as with China’s sovereign power and will also effectively secure ever-lasting peace in the Far East. Dr. Lo concluded that under the existing world conditions, the present question is not one of pure diplomacy. China must concentrate her national energy and work unitedly for the most effective way of resisting her aggressor. Dr. Lo finally voiced his conviction that in the light of world history, a policy of militaristic aggression will be doomed to failure.
- Copy of telegram transmitted to the Department by the Chinese Legation, December 22, 1932.↩