793.94 Commission/160: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in China (Johnson)

104. Your 425, April 9, 9 p.m.57 For Blakeslee.

Officers of the Department have been giving serious thought to finding some helpful suggestions toward a practical solution of the problem relating to Manchuria to which question you will presumably sooner or later have to give consideration. Assuming that any such solution must, as far as possible, take into consideration the interests and views of the Chinese and Japanese Governments and the principles agreed upon in the Covenant of the League of Nations, in the Nine Power Treaty and in the Kellogg Pact, there has been prepared by certain officers an outline of a plan which, although perhaps not entirely comprehensive, includes certain features which might have suggestion value.
The project contemplates as an initial step the conclusion of a preliminary agreement between China and Japan to enter into direct negotiations relating, first, to the reestablishment of a temporary Chinese administration in Manchuria; second, to the reestablishment of a permanent Chinese administration in Manchuria, together with questions of security and protection of foreign rights and interests; and third, to the negotiation of a new comprehensive treaty.
The Department is sending you by pouch in care of the Legation at Peiping a copy of this outline plan58 for such use as you may care to make of it, in whole or in part, as upon your own initiative and responsibility. The plan should reach you about June 1st, but if in the interim you should find it urgently desirable to have it before that date the Department will consider cabling a summary.
  1. Not printed.
  2. Post, p. 713.