793.94/3593: Telegram

The Consul at Geneva (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State

23. By the Council’s resolution of December 10, 1931, the Council remained seized of the question of the Sino-Japanese conflict.

I learn that by virtue of the invitation and the acceptance of the American Government to be represented on the Council in its consideration of this matter in which acceptance I was specifically named as representative and in view of the fact that no formal exchanges have since taken place between the American Government and League authorities in this matter from a purely technical point of view I am still regarded by the League authorities as continuing in that capacity.

I am confident that I can so arrange matters privately through Drummond that this situation can be allowed to lapse and that the raising of this question can thus be entirely avoided. In view of the approaching meeting of the Council on January 25 which carries the Sino-Japanese question on its agenda, I would appreciate instructions.
