793.94/4083: Telegram

The Consul General at Shanghai (Cunningham) to the Secretary of State

27. Your February 9, 5 p.m., telegram No. 7.93 British Consul General is delaying reply to Mayor’s note of February 8th until arrival of British Minister in Shanghai which will probably be within next 2 or 3 days. I regard it as highly desirable that British and American replies at least should be similar if possible. Other colleagues have asked for a copy of my reply which I will furnish as soon as Department authorizes such reply. I give below a tentative draft for the Department’s consideration which is similar to British draft which I understand British Consul General will submit for consideration of British Minister: [Page 268]

“I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication dated February 8 with regard to the reported failure of the Shanghai Municipal Council to restrain armed Japanese forces from using the International Settlement as a base of operation. You declare that in these circumstances the Chinese Government will not be responsible for damages to foreign life and property caused by operations of Chinese troops against Japanese forces.

As you are no doubt aware the American Government is using every endeavor to preserve a correct and neutral attitude in most difficult circumstances in the dispute which has unfortunately arisen between China and Japan but it must continue to hold both together responsible for any loss or damage which may be inflicted by them on American lives and property as a result of such dispute.”

Does the Department authorize above or reply of similar wording?

Repeated to the Legation and Nanking for information.

  1. Not printed.