793.94/3999: Telegram

The Consul General at Shanghai (Cunningham) to the Secretary of State

8. My telegram No. 5, February 5, 3 [7] p.m.

At a consular body meeting today to carry into effect the agreement with the Japanese Consul General that a committee be appointed to inspect the prisoners held by the Japanese, Committee of Four was appointed. The Japanese Consul General stated that all prisoners would be turned over to Settlement authorities today or tomorrow morning.

2. The Japanese Consul General stated confidentially for my information that tomorrow a mixed brigade of Japanese troops would be [Page 233] disembarked in Shanghai and in a few days a second mixed brigade would land in China. Inquiry was made as to where the landing-would be effected and he informed me at the Nippon Yusen Kaisha Wharf which is within the Settlement. He was reminded of his statement the previous day to the full consular body meeting, reported in paragraph 4 of my February 5, 7 p.m., and he simply waived it aside and stated that he was misinformed yesterday. My own impression is that the Japanese force[s] have not made the advance that was anticipated they would have made by tomorrow. Would not be finished in 48 hours. He admitted last night that he was disappointed in the advance that had been made, therefore, it would be prolonged. This is believed to be the real reason for not landing outside the Settlement.

Repeated to Nanking, Legation and Tokyo for information.
