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The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

165. Following from Reuter, Nanking, January 31st:

At 8 a.m., this morning the National Government issued an official [Page 173] statement announcing that the seat of government was being temporarily transferred to Loyang (Honanfu) in Honan Province.

The statement recapitulates the Shanghai development and expresses the belief that the Japanese intention is to force the Chinese Government into submission by armed force. However, it says, the Chinese Government will take all possible measures for self-defense and will urge the powers to carry out their treaty obligations. It expresses confidence that the powers cannot sit down and watch humanity and justice trampled on.

General Ho Ying-chin, Minister of War, has been left to carry on here and to defend the city from any attack. The Foreign Minister, Dr. Lo Wen-kan, has also been left to carry on the Foreign Office in Nanking.

For the Minister: