800.51W89 Poland/85
The Polish Embassy to the Department of State 23
Pro Memoria
“On the occasion of the conference held today in Washington the Polish Government consider it their duty to notify the United States Government that owing to the general financial and economic situation of the world, the Polish Government foresee the necessity of asking for the postponement of the payment due from Poland to the Government of the United States on December 15, 1932.
At the same time the Polish Government declare they would welcome the opportunity of a conference with the Government of the United States in order to discuss conditions of the above postponement of the December payment and the reconsideration of the Agreement of November 14, 1924.”
- Transmitted to the Department by the Polish Ambassador as enclosure to his note No. 730/tjn.32 of November 22; the memorandum confirms an oral declaration of the same date to the Secretary of State by the Ambassador.↩