800.51W89 Poland/82
The Secretary of State to the Polish Chargé (Sokolowski)
Sir: Acknowledgment is made of the receipt of your note dated September 14, 1932, in which, acting upon instructions received from your Government, you informed me that the Government of the Republic of Poland, in conformity with the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the Agreement for the funding of the debt of Poland to the United States of November 14, 1924, would postpone the payment of principal falling due on December 15, 1932, for two years from that date.
The Government of the United States takes due notice of the action of the Polish Government in this regard.
The amount postponed is represented by Bond No. 10, dated December 15, 1922, due December 15, 1932, in the principal amount of $1,125,000. This leaves to be paid on December 15, 1932, the principal of Bond No. 3–A, dated December 15, 1929, due December 15, 1932, in the face amount of $232,000, representing a part of the matured debt funded under Paragraph four of the funding agreement and not subject to the postponement provisions of the debt agreement, together with semi-annual interest in the amount of $3,070,980 due on the entire indebtedness of Poland to the United [Page 800] States, making a total to be paid on December 15, 1932, of $3,302,980.
Accept [etc.]