882.01/27: Telegram
The Minister in Liberia (Mitchell) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 5—7:37 a.m.]
79. During an informal conversation on October 2 Mr. Barclay unofficially expressed with earnest emphasis the desire of his Government to send to the United States Government a special envoy instructed to ascertain the understanding or definite terms upon which the Liberian Government may obtain formal recognition from the United States Government, consequently restoring its traditional friendship and its active interest in perpetuating Liberia’s independence.
If granted direct contact with the United States Government, the envoy could present plainly and candidly a statement of facts and his Government’s views respecting the economic perplexities and the administrative problems of the Republic. Such knowledge, it is believed, would aid in clarifying any doubt as to Liberian affairs and would pave the way toward reconciling divergent views which now exist.
Mr. Barclay has solicited unofficially this Legation’s good offices in making known this desire to my Government and in seeking information in regard to the United States Government’s willingness to receive officially such an envoy and to accord a sympathetic hearing to him.