882.01 Foreign Control/140: Telegram
The Minister in Switzerland (Wilson) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received August 20—10:25 a.m.]
108. Your 92, August 19, 1 p.m. (1) Indications are lacking that the matter of Liberia will come before the League Council, and the [Page 693] agenda contains no item involving this country. It can not of course be guaranteed that the question will not be raised by someone, but this is deemed to be highly unlikely.
(2) The British Foreign Secretary has the duty of fixing a date for the Commission’s meeting. It is understood by the Secretariat that Mr. Henderson is anxious to set the date at the earliest moment which is convenient to the United States. As soon as the experts have completed their report, it will be mailed to the Department. The United States will then be consulted regarding a date for the Commission’s meeting. The hope is for a date allowing the Commission to meet toward the end of next month.
In view of your first paragraph, I was not willing to go farther than inquiring concerning this matter.