711.415 Traders/3
The British Ambassador (Lindsay) to the Under Secretary of State (Cotton)
Dear Mr. Under Secretary: With reference to our recent conversation I am writing to say that I have to-day addressed a note to the Secretary of State on the subject of the admission of Australian business men to the United States. The Australian Government are most anxious that the matter should be settled at an early date. On several occasions when questions have been asked they have intimated that the matter was the subject of conversations, and if the negotiations prove fruitless they anticipate that they may find themselves faced by a considerable volume of popular protest, which would be strengthened by the fact that American business men have complete liberty to enter and carry on business in Australia. They fear that the dissatisfaction which would result in Australia might possibly have damaging effects on American commercial and other relations with the Commonwealth, which they are naturally most anxious to avoid. Knowing your interest in the matter I am therefore writing to express the hope that if the proposed course of action meets with the approval of your government we may be able to agree upon a draft at a sufficiently early date to enable the matter to be considered by Congress before the close of the present session.
Yours very sincerely,