
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Mexico (Clark)

No. 413

Sir: There is enclosed for your information a copy of an instruction which is being addressed on this date to the chief of the diplomatic mission in Guatemala,44 which you will observe asks him to take steps to obtain, if possible, the permission desired by the Bureau of Public Roads of the Department of Agriculture to make an aerial survey during the coming December of certain portions of the projected route of the Inter-American Highway through that country.

In connection with the survey of the region in Guatemala near the border of Mexico, the Acting Chief of the Bureau of Public Roads requests that an effort be made to obtain permission from Mexico for possible landings of the planes at the Tapachula Air Port of the Pan American Airways.

Since the surveys are scheduled to start December 1, 1931 in order that they may, in accordance with expectations, all be completed during that month, expedition in obtaining permission in so far as possible will, it is said, be appreciated by the Bureau of Public Roads.

Please take the matter up with the appropriate authorities in such manner as you deem desirable and report by cable, as promptly as you conveniently can, the results of your action.

Very truly yours,

For the Secretary of State:
Francis White
  1. Infra.