
The Acting Chief of the Bureau of Public Roads of the Department of Agriculture (Fairbank) to Mr. W. R. Manning of the Division of Latin American Affairs


Please refer to previous correspondence regarding aerial surveys of certain areas along the route of the proposed inter-American highway, including a letter from the Acting Secretary of Agriculture dated November 29, 1930, the reply thereto by the Assistant Secretary of State on December 12, and a letter from the Secretary of War to the Secretary of State dated January 21, 1931.43c

Under arrangements made pursuant to the above correspondence, permission has been secured for such aerial surveys in Costa Rica and these have been partially completed.

We have now outlined our program for the balance of the territory to be surveyed and, accordingly, it is requested that you secure permission from the countries listed below to have aerial surveys made along the general routes indicated.

Guatemala. From San Cristobal on the boundary between El Salvador and Guatemala, through Asuncion Mita, Jutiapa, Azacualpa, Molino, Pino, Guatemala City, Chimaltenango, Patzicia, Tecpam, Las [Page 711] Encuentros, Totonicapan, San Mateo, San Marcos, Rodeo and Malacate to a point on the Suchiate River, which forms the boundary between Guatemala and Mexico.

This route follows the highway which already exists between the points mentioned.

It is requested that permission be secured from Mexico for possible landings of the planes on the Tapachula Air Port of the Pan American Airways.

The following spur lines may be deemed necessary for aerial surveys, and should be included in the request to the Government of Guatemala: (1) From Platanar, via Jalpatagua and Jocotillo to Molino; (2) From Patzicia, via Panajachel and Solola to Las Encuentros; and, (3) From San Mateo, via Coatepeque to Ayutla on the boundary between Guatemala and Mexico.

El Salvador. From a point on the Guascoran River (boundary between Honduras and El Salvador) via Santa Rosa, San Miguel, San Salvador and Santa Ana to San Cristobal on the boundary between El Salvador and Guatemala.

The flight should follow the existing highway between these points.

The following possible spur line should be included in the request to the Government of El Salvador: From Santa Ana, via Ahuachapan to the Guatemala boundary near Platanar.

Nicaragua. From the boundary between Costa Rica and Nicaragua at a point near Sapoa, via Rivas, Managua, Leon and Chinandego to a point on the Rio Negro.

The above route may be modified somewhat after field parties have made an inspection, and this fact should be mentioned in the official request to the Nicaraguan Government.

Honduras. From a point on the Rio Negro (boundary between Honduras and Nicaragua) via Choluteca, Namasique, Pavana, a point on the road between Tegucigalpa and San Lorenzo, and Nacaome to a point on the Guascoran River (boundary between Honduras and El Salvador).

It is expected that all the above aerial surveys will be completed during the month of December, next. The order and direction of the flights above listed may have to be changed after conferences on the ground between the field engineers of this Bureau and the Air Corps officers, but the control points will remain as stated.

Will you please advise us as soon as permission for these aerial surveys has been granted by the countries concerned, so that we may be able to discuss details of the flights with the War Department. Since the surveys are scheduled to start December 1, we shall appreciate your expediting the securing of permission in so far as possible.

H. S. Fairbakk
  1. None printed.