
The American Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs (Arita)

No. 1157

Excellency: Acting under instructions from my Government, I have the honor to invite the attention of Your Excellency to the fact that numerous notes addressed by me to the Japanese Government regarding the bombing by Japanese airplanes of American mission property in China remain unanswered. In this connection reference is made, for example, to the following notes addressed to the Ministry under the direction of your Excellency:67

  • No. 923, May 16, 1938, relating to the bombing on or prior to May 13, 1938, of the American Southern Baptist Mission, Chenghsien, Honan.
  • No. 925, May 16, 1938, relating to the bombing on May 10 and 11, 1938, of the American Southern Presbyterian Mission, Hsuchowfu, Kiangsu.
  • No. 926, May 18, 1938, relating to the bombing on April 29, 1938, of the Saint Joseph Hospital, Wuchang, Hujjeh.
  • No. 927, May 19, 1938, relating to the bombing on January 24, 1938, of the American Advent Mission, Chao Hsien, Anhwei.
  • No. 935, May 23, 1938, relating to the bombing on May 13 and 19, 1938, of the Free Methodist Mission, Chengchow, Honan.
  • No. 944, May 31, 1938, and no. 980, July 6, 1938, relating to the bombing on May 19, 1938, of property of the Southern Presbyterian Mission at Sutsien, Kiangsu, and of property of this same mission at Hwaiyin (Tsingkiangpu) on May 24, 1938.
  • No. 946, May 31, 1938, relating to the bombing on May 24 and 28, 1938, of the American Presbyterian Mission, Haichow.
  • No. 947, May 31, 1938, relating to the bombing on May 21, 1938, of the Lutheran United Mission, Chumatien, Honan.

Your Excellency’s attention is also invited to my note no. 975, dated June 28, 1938, relating to an attack upon the Southern Baptist Mission property at Pingtu, which note remains unanswered notwithstanding oral assurances given to me by the Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs on August 26, 1938, that an immediate investigation would be made in the matter; to my unanswered note no. 942, dated May 30, 1938, regarding the bombing on August 17, 1937, of the Central China Christian Mission at Nantungchow, which note was sent in pursuance of a request made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and to my unanswered note no. 1105, dated October 31, 1938, regarding the bombing of the Lutheran Brethren Mission at Tungpeh, Honan, resulting in the destruction of American property and the death and injury of American citizens.

I am instructed by my Government to state that it desires to be informed whether it may expect a formal expression of regret on the part of the Japanese Government for the death and injury of American citizens in the Tungpeh bombing and also assurances that appropriate indemnities will be granted, and when it may expect replies to the other above-mentioned notes and notes subsequently sent regarding the repeated bombings of American mission properties, including churches and hospitals, by Japanese airplanes.

I avail myself [etc.]

Joseph C. Grew
  1. Of the notes listed, only notes No. 925, May 16, 1938, and No. 940, May 31, 1938, are printed I see pp. 590, 593.