The American Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs (Ugaki)
Excellency: I have the honor to refer to notes addressed to the Ministry under the direction of Your Excellency nos. 992 and 993, dated July 15, 1938, nos. 1005 and 1006, dated July 22, 1938, and nos. 1022, 1023, 1024, and 1025, dated August 15, 1938, relating to the attacks by the Japanese military on American mission properties at Wuchang.61
I am directed to make comprehensive and emphatic representations to the appropriate Japanese authorities through Your Excellency, recalling succinctly the essential facts and circumstances of the attacks of these American mission properties at Wuchang, and to point out that notwithstanding the fact that the mission properties have been marked on maps delivered by the American Consul General at Shanghai to the Japanese authorities the mission properties under reference have been bombed no less than seven times since July 6 last, and particularly to emphasize the fact that in the course of these attacks American lives have been directly imperilled.
Acting under instructions from my Government I accordingly have the honor to request through Your Excellency that immediate and effective steps be taken to prevent a recurrence of such deplorable attacks.
I avail myself [etc.]
- None printed.↩