The American Embassy in Japan to the Japanese Ministry for Foreign Affairs
The American Embassy presents its compliments to the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has the honor to state that the following message from Haichow has been received through the American Consul General at Shanghai:
“American Presbyterian Chapel only a few feet from American Presbyterian Hospital and American Presbyterian Women’s Bible School, in same yard with our residence, were bombed on May 24th by Japanese planes causing great damage; residences only very slightly damaged. Chapel and school greatly damaged, in addition our chapel[s] inside the city and at Shaiho were bombed and greatly damaged. American flags were prominently displayed at each building. Our residential property is in well defined area outside the Haichow west gate. Women’s Bible School, Girls’ School, and three of our residences are in a large block of property well segregated from other property, not near Chinese property. West gate chapel and hospital compound are also clearly defined and easily distinguishable. Difficult to mistake either of our large compounds. No soldiers occupying any of our property here. Please take steps to prevent further damage to our property and to preclude danger to life.”
The American Consul General at Shanghai reports that a second message has been received stating that the Mission was again bombed on May 28, one bomb landing less than thirty-five yards from Mr. McLaughlin’s residence, but that they were, however, fortunately unharmed. Mr. McLaughlin requests that measures be taken for the bombing to be ceased.
The American Embassy, acting under instructions from its Government, has the honor to request that the Japanese Government cause an investigation to be made of the circumstances referred to in the foregoing report and that the American Embassy be informed of the results thereof at the earliest possible moment.
The American Embassy has the honor to observe to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that these unwarranted attacks upon non-combatants and property used for humanitarian purposes were made despite the fact that, as in other cases, American flags were prominently displayed at each building.