793.94/2945c: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Forbes)


240. It has been reported to me by Ambassador Debuchi that Japan proposed, at the meeting in Paris of the Council of the League of Nations, the appointment of a neutral commission to investigate all matters which were in controversy between Japan and China and to report to the League the results of this investigation.69 The draft of a proposal now pending before the Council has since been received [Page 49] from Paris. The draft is based evidently upon the proposal of Japan mentioned by Debuchi. As this resolution may not have been shown to Yoshizawa, I am sending for your confidential information a separate cable quoting the resolution.70

There is a provision in the proposal now before the League calling upon Japan and China to give to the commanders of their respective forces the strictest orders to take all necessary measures to avoid any further aggravation of the situation and to refrain from any initiative which may lead to further fighting and loss of life.

I desire that you call upon Baron Shidehara and inform him of my very strong feeling that while, in my opinion, the Japanese proposal for such an impartial investigation is a long step forward in the pending negotiations, unless it contained at least some such provision for the cessation of hostilities during the proposed investigation it would be quite futile for accomplishing the intended beneficent purpose and for winning the support of world opinion. Further, please inform him that it is with great apprehension that I have read press reports that a military expedition against the forces of the Chinese Government near Chinchow is being planned by the Japanese military command and that it is my sincere hope no foundation for this report exists. In my opinion, if such an expedition were undertaken, it would render any useful work impossible on the part of the Commission which the Japanese Government so wisely proposed.

  1. League of Nations, Official Journal, December, 1931, 2365.
  2. Resolution adopted December 10, 1931, p. 59; telegram not printed.