793.94/4343: Telegram
The Consul General at Shanghai (Cunningham) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 21—5 a.m.]
92. My telegram No. 48, February 14, noon. Following reply dated February 19th from Japanese Consul General was received evening February 20th:
“As you are aware, the Japanese naval landing force in charge of the defense of the Japanese sectors was confronted with a huge Chinese army, and not only the lives and property of the Japanese residents but also the safety of the International Settlement itself faced an overwhelming menace. It was with a view to removing this imminent danger, and with no other ulterior motives, that the Japanese military reenforcements were despatched here. However, apart from any arguments that may or may not arise in connection with the disembarkation of the Japanese troops in the Settlement, the Japanese authorities, prompted by the desire to avoid any possible inconvenience to the International Settlement, landed as large a portion of the recent reenforcements outside the Settlement as circumstances permitted. Nor have they any intention to retain within the Settlement longer than necessary those troops which are now stationed there.”
Repeated to the Legation, Nanking and Tokyo for information.