793.943 Manchuria/57
The Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs (Hirota) to the American Ambassador in Japan (Grew)
Excellency: I have the honor to state that I have duly received and noted Your Excellency’s note of December 1, 1937, regarding the application to American commercial firms of the law concerning foreign juridical persons in Manchukuo with respect to the treatment of nationals of third countries on the occasion of the conclusion of the treaty between Japan and Manchukuo, signed on November 5, 1937, [Page 155] concerning the extinction of extraterritorial rights in Manchukuo and the transfer of the administrative rights over the districts traversed by the South Manchuria Railway.
The policy of the Government of Manchukuo in this instance, which concerns the treatment of nationals of third countries and juridical persons of third countries, is a matter in which the Japanese Government is not concerned and the Japanese Government, accordingly, regrets that it is not in a position to make any explanation.
I avail myself [etc.]