[For lists of incidents involving bombings and attacks upon American citizens, 1937–1941, see Summary of Past Policy, and of More Immediate Events, in Relation to the Pacific Area, House Document No. 458, 77th Congress, 1st Sess., annex 6, “American Nationals Killed or Wounded by Japanese Forces in China Since July 7, 1937,” pp. 53–54; annex 7, “American Property in China Reported To Have Been Damaged, Destroyed, or Seriously Endangered by Japanese Air Bombing or Air Machine Gunning Since July 7, 1937,” pp. 54–63; annex 8, “American Nationals Who Have Been Reported To Have Been Assaulted, Arbitrarily Detained, Subjected to Indignities, Et Cetera, Since July 7, 1937, by Japanese Authorities or Agents,” pp. 63–72.]

[363] The Commander in Chief of the United States Asiatic Fleet (Yarnell) to the Chief of Naval Operations

793.94/10822: Telegram

[366] Press Release Issued by the Department of State on November 2, 1937

Reprinted from Department of State, Press Releases, November 6, 1937 (vol. xvii, No. 423), p. 351.

[367] The Commander in Chief of the United States Asiatic Fleet (Yarnell) to the Chief of Naval Operations

793.94/10939: Telegram