The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Germany (Schurman)
Sir: Referring to your Embassy’s despatch No. 4771 of August 6, 1929,49 in relation to the tentative agreement on the subject of an extradition treaty reached in conferences held in Berlin by the representatives of the German Foreign Office and Department of Justice with Assistant Solicitor Joseph R. Baker, and with particular reference to the statement in the despatch that such agreement was reached subject to later correspondence concerning one or two points of uncertainty, between the principal German expert, Doctor Mettgenberg, and Mr. Baker, the Department informs you that such correspondence has resulted in an agreement upon all points involved in a form which is satisfactory to it.
Two copies of the draft treaty agreed Upon are enclosed50 and the Department desires you to submit one of these copies to the Foreign Office, referring to the agreement reached and proposing the prompt conclusion of the treaty.
If it shall be indicated in reply that the draft is satisfactory to the German Government, you will please so advise the Department by telegraph in order that the necessary full powers may be promptly sent.
I am [etc.]