Inquiry regarding alleged opposition to American investments in India
[111] The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Dawes)
Washington, January 9, 1930—7
841.6463 Calcutta/1: Telegram
[112] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Dawes) to the Secretary of State
London, January 11,
[Received 1:50 p.m.]
[Received 1:50 p.m.]
841.6463 Calcutta/3:Telegram
[113] The British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Henderson) to the American Ambassador in Great Britain (Dawes)
[London,] 3 March, 1930.
841.6463 Calcutta/10
[114] The Acting Secretary of State to the Consul General at Calcutta (Frazer)
Washington, April 9, 1930.
841.6463 Calcutta/12