611.7131/83: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Rumania (Wilson)
Washington, January 21, 1930—3
3. Your 3, January 16, noon.
- (1)
- Please advise Foreign Office that it is hoped Department’s draft which will be sent you very shortly will be accepted by Rumanian Government as basis for negotiations.3 This draft will embody substantially provisions of Articles VII to XI of treaty between the United States and Germany,4 but certain changes and additions will be made which it is believed will be regarded as improvement on that treaty. Considerable time and study have been devoted to preparation of this draft treaty by interested departments of this Government and its use would greatly facilitate negotiations.
- (2)
- In view of postponement of negotiations until February, Department assumes time for conclusion of treaty will be extended, but desires definite confirmation as soon as practicable in order to avoid [Page 790] uncertainty on part of commercial interests and consequent injury to trade.
- (3)
- Department would view with favor conclusion of consular convention embodying substantially consular provisions of treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights between the United States and Germany. However, inasmuch as consular matters are now regulated by convention of June 5–17, 1881,5 and in view of more pressing need for a treaty of commerce and navigation, Department feels that negotiations for new consular convention should be held in abeyance, or at least subordinated to those for commercial treaty, until latter has been disposed of.
- Department’s instruction No. 101, March 20, 1930 (not printed).↩
- Foreign Relations, 1923, vol. ii, p. 29.↩
- Malloy, Treaties, 1776–1909, vol. ii, p. 1505.↩