823.00 Revolutions/4: Telegram
The Chargé in Peru (Mayer) to the Secretary of State
[Received 3:10 p.m.]
144. My telegram number 143 August 22, 11 p.m. Government newspaper Prensa publishes account of insurrection at Arequipa from [Page 721] which apparently entire garrison has joined revolt, rest of country described as quiet. The President has issued a decree closing until further notice the port of Mollendo to all merchant vessels, national or foreign, and closing likewise the city of Arequipa and its suburbs for commercial air traffic.
Revolutionists have taken Mollendo. The Government has despatched one plane to Arequipa and one to Mollendo to distribute literature and general purpose of intimidation without actually dropping bombs or the like. The Government has also sent submarine to Mollendo to blockade the port and keep closed in accordance with decree described above. All quiet locally.
Military and Commercial Attachés request repeat also to respective departments.