The Chargé in Nicaragua (Beaulac) to
the Secretary of State
Managua, February 11, 1930.
February 17.]
No. 1317
Sir: With reference to the Department’s
telegram No. 17 of February 7, 5 P.M.,46 concerning a proposed agreement under which the
Nicaraguan Government would grant free transportation to the United
States Army Engineers in Nicaragua in return for which the latter would
carry out a survey of a rail route from Lake Nicaragua to the Atlantic
Coast, I have the honor to transmit herewith copies of the notes
referring to this agreement exchanged between the Legation and the
Foreign Office together with a translation of the Foreign Office’s
It will be observed that the arrangement outlined in the Legation’s note
No. 14, of February 8, 1930, referred to, and concurred in by the
Nicaraguan Government in its note of February 10, 1930, in reply, is
that outlined by the Legation in its telegram No. 4 of January 8, 3
P.M.,46 and agreed
to by the Department in its telegram No. 17 of February 7, 5. P.M.
Since information concerning the proposed agreement had reached the
Nicaraguan press from Washington, the Minister of Foreign Affairs asked
me if I had any objection to his releasing the notes for publication
locally and I told him that I had none. He told me that he would have
immediate instructions issued to the Railroad in accordance with the
terms of the arrangement reached.
I have [etc.]
[Enclosure 1]
The American Chargé (Beaulac) to the Nicaraguan Acting Minister for Foreign
Affairs (Cordero
Managua, February 8, 1930.
No. 14
Excellency: I have the honor to refer to a
recent conversation with Your Excellency concerning a proposed
agreement between the Government of Nicaragua and the Government of
the United States of America under which the Government of Nicaragua
will grant to the United States Army Engineers engaged in conducting
a survey of the Nicaragua Canal Route free transportation over the
railroad and lake steamers belonging to the Pacific Railroad of
Nicaragua, in
[Page 710]
return for
which those engineers will carry out a survey of a rail route from
Lake Nicaragua to the Atlantic Coast via the San Juan River Valley
and make such survey available to the Government of Nicaragua. In
accordance with the understanding reached in our conversation I have
the honor to suggest the following as the terms of the agreement
between the two Governments:
- (1)
- The Government of Nicaragua agrees to grant to the United
States Army Engineers engaged in conducting a survey of the
Nicaragua Canal Route free transportation of men and
supplies on the railroad and lake steamers belonging to the
Pacific Railroad of Nicaragua during the period they have
been and will be engaged in their present work in
- (2)
- In return for this exemption the Army Engineers referred
to will carry out in connection with their present duties a
survey of a rail route from Lake Nicaragua to the Atlantic
Coast via the San Juan River Valley and make such survey
available to the Government of Nicaragua.
Accept [etc.]
The Nicaraguan Acting Minister for Foreign
Affairs (Cordero
Reyes) to the American
Chargé (Beaulac)
Managua, February 10, 1930.
No. 17
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your Note No. 14 of February 8, 1930, with reference to a
proposed agreement between the Government of the United States of
America and the Government of Nicaragua under which the latter will
grant to the United States Army Engineers engaged in conducting a
survey of the Nicaragua Canal Route free transportation over the
railroad and lake steamers belonging to the Pacific Railroad of
Nicaragua, in return for which those Engineers will carry out for
the Government of Nicaragua a survey of a rail route from Lake
Nicaragua to the Atlantic Coast via the San Juan River Valley.
In reply, I beg to state to you that my Government accepts with the
greatest pleasure the agreement referred to as outlined in
Paragraphs (1) and (2) of the note to which I reply.
Accept [etc.]