The French Minister in Morocco (Blanc) to the American Diplomatic Agent and Consul General at Tangier (Blake)3
Mr. Diplomatic Agent:—By letter dated May 19th last, to which reference is again made under date of June [July] 7th, you have been good enough to request me to call the attention of the Administrator of the Zone of Tangier, to proposals which have been made by two companies, French and Spanish, in regard to the distribution of electricity in Tangier, such proposals being under examination at the present time by the competent commissions of the Legislative Assembly. You express the desire that, in the circumstances, the dispositions of international treaties shall be respected, in virtue of which the right is recognized to concerns of the nationals of all countries to participate in public adjudications in Morocco.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of these two letters and to inform you, in my capacity as Minister for Foreign Affairs of His Shereefian Majesty, that I have communicated to the Administrator [Page 589] of the Zone of Tangier the anxieties to which you gave expression in your letter of May 19th last.
In replying to me, Mr. Le Fur has given me the assurance that he will not fail to see, at the opportune time, that sufficient delays are provided for the purpose of permitting American nationals to participate on a footing of perfect equality with all other competitors in the adjudications for supplies which shall be called for, in connection with the equipment of the future enterprise for the distribution of electrical power in Tangier.
Please accept [etc.]
- Copy transmitted to the Department by the Diplomatic Agent at Tangier in his despatch No. 525, July 19, 1930; received August 4.↩