
The Mexican Chargé (Campos-Ortiz) to the Acting Secretary of State

No. 00684

Mr. Secretary: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency’s note of January 20 last, advising me that the American Commissioner of the International Boundary Commission [Page 536] has already received instructions to the effect that the elimination of bancos in pending cases be proceeded with immediately. Your Excellency advises that the Department has issued such instructions to the American Commissioner with the understanding that the Government of Mexico would instruct the Mexican Commissioner to the end that as soon as possible a plan for the rectification of the course of the river be prepared.

In reply permit me to inform your Excellency in reiteration of that which this Embassy has stated on various occasions that the Government of Mexico has no objections to the continuance of study of the question of the rectification of the course of the river, but considers that the elimination of bancos in pending cases, that is, the application of the Convention of 1905,42 should not be retarded for that or any other reason. Furthermore, I have the honor to inform your Excellency that the Mexican Commissioner holds instructions to proceed in cooperation with the North American Commissioner as soon as the pending banco cases have been eliminated in the matter of the preparation of a definite plan for the rectification of the course of the river.

Availing myself [etc.]

  1. Signed at Washington, March 20, 1905; Foreign Relations, 1907, pt. 2, p. 837.