812.001C13/84: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul at Nuevo Laredo (Boyce)

Associated Press dispatch from Laredo dated December 13 states in part as follows: “Richard Boyce, American Consul at Nuevo Laredo across the Rio Grande in Mexico, called at the office of the District Attorney and notified him officially that the American Government would protect with armed force the diplomatic immunity which it granted General Calles when it visaed his diplomatic passport.”

Department’s instructions to you made no mention of armed force.

Your December 13, 5 p.m. Department informed by Mexican Chargé d’Affaires that General Calles will travel on private car of Mexican Ambassador and will be accompanied by Mexican Ambassador to the United States whose immunity from arrest and molestation in the United States is of course recognized under international law. This Government must not fail to fulfill its obligations under international law. You may so advise interested parties. Make no statement to press.
