
The Financial Adviser of the Republic of Liberia (Loomis) to President King of Liberia9

No. 5 PCE

My Dear Mr. President: I confirm my understanding of your conversation regarding sanitation program for Liberia, which will have to be considered in the budget arrangement for succeeding years:

That the terms of the Memorandum Agreement of Liberia with the Government of the United States, made in 1929, shall be extended for an additional period of five years. That the terms of this Memorandum Agreement shall be modified by the addition of the provision that the head of the Medical and Sanitary work shall be entitled to allowances in accordance with Executive Order No. 6F and suitable salary.

And, that the enforcement of all sanitary laws and regulations in Monrovia, or other points where the Sanitation Department’s activities may be extended, shall be enforced by the Liberian Government and carried into full effect. To carry out this purpose, Your Excellency will appoint in Monrovia as the Judge of the Police Court, charged with the duty of hearing cases brought by the Sanitary Department for the violation of sanitary laws, such person as shall be recommended by the Head of the Medical and Sanitation Department and two other disinterested Liberian citizens from private life.

That appropriate legislation will be urged upon the next Legislature for the creation of a service of Public Health and Sanitation, in accordance with the proposed act submitted by the Chief Medical Adviser, Dr. Smith, and that Sanitary Inspectors will be given police powers adequate to enforce the sanitation regulations and that these Sanitary Inspectors shall be employed and work under the direction and authority of the Chief Medical Adviser.

Moreover, that subject to the assent of the three parties signatory to the loan agreement, funds set aside from loan money for Sanitation work, shall be advanced directly to the Chief Medical Adviser by the Fiscal Agents and disbursed and accounted for by the Medical Adviser to the Auditor of the Republic of Liberia.

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Funds set aside from loan money for Sanitation work shall be from time to time drawn upon in amounts not exceeding $2,000 as an advance directly to the Medical Adviser from the Fiscal Agents on order of the Financial Adviser and Secretary of Treasury to be accounted for as provided above.

I would thank Your Excellency, if my understanding of your agreement on this subject of sanitation is correct, if you will so advise at once for guidance of officials concerned.

I am [etc.]

John Loomis

Correct and approved
C. D. B. King

  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the American Chargé in Liberia in his despatch Diplomatic No. 20, October 9, 1930; received November 1; ante, p. 358.