The Liberian Secretary of State (Barclay) to the American Chargé in Liberia (Hall)92
Mr. Chargé d’affaires: I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Legation’s note of the 14th of July 1930,93 advising the Government of Liberia through this Department that Dr. Smith, upon information received from the Surgeon General of the United States, will not remain in Liberia after he has completed one year’s stay. In the circumstance, your Department of State thinking that my Government may care to continue the sanitary work inaugurated by Dr. Smith, will be glad to use its good offices unofficially in securing without responsibility the names of Sanitary Engineers, who will be willing to accept the post for a salary of not less than $6,000.00.
In reply to the foregoing, I have the further honour to express the regrets of the Government of Liberia that Dr. Smith, whose work is highly appreciated, cannot continue his services in Liberia beyond the period mentioned in your note. This Government intends continuing the progressive development of the Sanitary System which Dr. Smith is in course of installing but in view of their limited resources find themselves unable to take advantage of the friendly offer of your Department of State to recommend competent men for the post if [Page 420] the salary required be fixed in the sum of $6,000.00. They have decided therefore to secure the services of a competent man elsewhere.
I have [etc.]